#2021 #GRAPHICS #Gradients

was applied as the key visual design of a new-generation shopping mall, a key mayor project in Yangzhou, China


Xian Dimension is a new generation comprehensive leisure center led by the Yangzhou city government in China. It's world view is set as a cyber fairyland, with spiritual pets dimension. Its goal is to create an immersive experience mode that uses life as the surface, art as the interior, and technology as the foundation, becoming a benchmark for youthful commerce. Based on this, the fairyland, inspired by the spirit of flower, birds, fish and insects, becomes the inspiration for its visual system creation.


*海上有仙山 A Mountain of Immortality at Sea

*花鸟鱼虫 Flower, Bird, Fish and Insect

XIAN CI YUAN was renovated from Yangzhou Red Garden, once known as one of the oldest flower, bird and fish markets in Yangzhou.

*招商大会 Investment Conference

*欢迎诸君入园成仙 Welcome And Become Immortal