
#2022 #INSTALLATION #Digital Religions

was selected as an exhibit for Spectacle for Later in London, 2022:

The Monuments碑 is a part of the work New Deity新神. It concentrates on the old gods that we used to admire, but now they are continuously transiting, intermingling in cyberspace. The exotic and chaotic images are created by applying StyleGAN with the datasets of various core religions, cults and paganism.The work was remade for the Spectacle for Later exhibition. The concrete and distressed twisted steel pipes are used as the main part of the work in order to create a sense of depression and decay. Each unit is a monument for the old gods. They are struggling on whilst at death's door in the new era of modern technology.

「Monument碑」是「New Deity新神」作品的一部分。它关注于我们曾经崇拜的旧神上,但现在他们在网络空间中不断过渡、交融。这些怪异和混乱的图像是通过应用StyleGAN和各种核心宗教、邪教和异教的数据集创造的。该作品是为Spectacle for Later展览重新制作的。混凝土和扭曲变形的钢管被用作作品的主要部分,以创造一种萧条和衰败的感觉。每个单元都是旧神们的纪念碑。在现代技术的新时代,他们苟延残喘。